Dental Care for your Child

Dental Care for your Child

I have a 2 year old daughter - and teaching her to brush and care for her teeth isn’t always easy! However, it’s important to start teaching our children how to care for their teeth at a young age. As soon as they start cutting teeth, you should be getting them to open wide and be brushing those pearly whites twice a day (use non-fluoridated toothpaste until your toddler knows how to spit out the paste fully).

Dentists typically suggest booking your child their first dental appointment six months after cutting the first tooth, or by a year old. Here at Metral Dental Clinic, we are always happy to have parents bring in their children for their first check ups. We have experience with children and are confident we can make your child’s first dental experience a positive one!

Our first visit will be short and informal. We want to make it fun and relaxing for you and your child - and our staff are always gentle and kind. We will have a look inside your child’s mouth, we may have the hygienist clean their teeth (or save it for another visit), and we can answer any questions you may have about teething, thumb sucking, or any other childhood dental related questions.

If there aren’t any issues, we recommend children to come in every six months. So don’t forget to book your next appointment before you go!

The team at Metral Dental Clinic looks forward to seeing you and your family.

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