5 Things that could Unexpectedly damage your Dental Health

5 Things that could Unexpectedly damage your Dental Health

Most people have a regular routine to clean and maintain their pearly whites. The standard routine usually revolves around “brush, floss, rinse, repeat.”

However, even if you are dedicated to your routine and also do everything your dentist tells you, there’s a good chance that other life pains and pleasures could still damage your teeth without you even realising.

Here are just five things that you probably didn’t know could damage your dental health.

1. Stress


Modern life is pretty much guaranteed to involve stress. Some stress is good for motivation. But chronic stress is very detrimental to heath. It can contribute to teeth grinding, tooth decay, dry mouth, and painful canker sores.

Grinding or clenching your teeth can end up wearing down the protective enamel and even cause teeth to crack or break. Stress can also decrease the ability to fight infection which could contribute to gum disease.

If you suffer from headaches, particularly in the morning, do let your dentist know. You may be clenching your teeth overnight. Your dentist may even recommend a night guard to protect your teeth. Find out more in this article about stress and oral health.

2. Brushing too hard


Many people thin that you need to brush your teeth really hard to get them clean. But that can cause your enamel to wear away or cause your gums to recede. And then you are more susceptible to sensitivity and/or tooth decay.

It’s recommended to use a soft toothbrush and brush for at least two minutes twice a day. Brush each surface of the tooth and avoid scrubbing.

If you use an electric toothbrush, make sure that you read the directions or talk to your dentist about appropriate usage so that you don’t damage your teeth.

3. Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a time of great hormonal changes which can also affect your dental health. Common signs include sore, puffy and bleeding gums. Monitor any issues and Be on the lookout and help to prevent these problems by brushing twice and flossing daily.

Try to eat a nutritious diet - with the occasional treat for the cravings! - and make sure to limit any sugary treats to mealtimes. If you are pregnant or considering it then visit your dentist for an exam.

4. Beverages


Sports drinks and soda may taste refreshing and have you thinking that you are rehydrating your body. But the truth is they are high in sugar which creates an ideal environment for cavities to develop.

You are even more likely to become victim to this if you continuously sip throughout the day which means a constant barrage on the teeth. It is also important to note that acidic drinks can also damage the protective tooth enamel.

Try and drink water instead and click here for more information.

5. Sports


Don't stop doing sport! Sports are exciting and great for health but can also cause tooth related injuries ranging from tooth loss to lacerated gums to jaw fractures for both children and adults. You can help prevent this from happening by using a mouthguard. They are already recommended for sports like hockey, football, and wrestling, but they are a great tool for preventing injuries in any recreational sport.

It’s amazing how a piece of plastic can protect against trauma to the teeth, gums, soft tissues, and supporting bones.

It's hard to put back teeth once they are knocked our. Or to completely heal from extreme damage.

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